March 4, 2020 – Establishing and running a planned giving program: A panel discussion on best practices

March 4, 2020 @ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
3106 W End Ave
TN 37203
Molly Craig


Establishing and running a planned giving program: A panel discussion on best practices

March 4, 2020

Anthony Barclay, Paul Grassman and Anne Westfall

Whether you are running your planned giving program on a shoestring budget, or have a more established program, come join the Planned Giving Council of Middle TN for practical advice on how to maximize your results. Planned giving officers from small to mid-size shops are especially encouraged to attend, as panelists in various capacities within the planned giving field will be sharing reflections and recommendations on the essentials of every planned giving program. Everyone in the planned giving field is welcome to participate in this interactive lunch discussion.

Anthony Barclay – As Senior Director of Planned Giving at Vanderbilt, Anthony works with all schools and units on campus to solicit and close revocable deferred gifts and life-income plans. Additionally, he manages the undergraduate and graduate/professional school planned giving fundraising programs. Prior to Vanderbilt, Anthony was the Director of Estate and Asset Services for the American Cancer Society in North Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana. Anthony also served as the Director of Planned Giving at Mississippi University for Women, the first public university for women in the country.

Paul Grassman – Paul was fortunate to grow up in a home that had a heart for nonprofits and their missions. He witnessed and participated in a myriad of supportive roles with his family that benefitted individuals through both local and global nonprofit organizations. While in middle school, Paul’s family decided to leave the corporate world to pursue the calling of full-time mission work. Through this experience, Paul observed firsthand the difficulties of fundraising, as well as the immense impact that results from one’s charitable gifts. By the time he graduated high school, Paul had been on four international mission trips to Mexico, Romania, Ukraine and Moldova. Paul joined Thompson & Associates in 2014, and is thrilled to take his experiences and pair it with his education and skills to further empower nonprofit organizations in their ability to impact their communities. He currently serves as Vice President.

Anne Westfall – Anne Westfall is Director of Development at University School of Nashville. She has led the school’s fundraising program for 21 years and currently directs a six member team responsible for strategic initiatives that grow annual, major, endowment, and legacy gifts.

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