December 7, 2022 Program

December 7, 2022 @ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Operation Stand Down
1125 12th Ave South
TN 37203
$30.00/Member or $35/Non-Member
PGC Mid TN Admin

Join us for our December 7 program:

“Unintended Consequences – How Did That Happen?”

Intervention in a complex process or system often results in unanticipated, and frequently negative, outcomes. The laws of unintended consequences actually applies to a great deal more than just economics. As we collaboratively discuss both serious and lighthearted examples together, the program will encourage development professionals and advisors to think about secondary and tertiary effects in their own work with donors and clients.

presented by

William T. Spitz, CFA

Founder and Principal Diversified Trust Co.

As a Founder of Diversified Trust, Bill has been instrumental in the ongoing development of the firm’s investment platform. Bill also serves on the Board of Directors of Mass Mutual Financial Group, Acadia Realty Trust, and is Trustee Emeritus of Kenyon College. He authored “Get Rich Slowly: Building your Financial Future through Common Sense” and is a frequent speaker at financial conferences. A copy of the whitepaper on which this presentation is based can be found here: DTC-WhitePaper-HowDidThatHappen-202206U.pdf (

December 7, 2022  |  11:30am – 1:00pm (Central)
Operation Stand Down (1125 12th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37203)

$30/ PGC or CNM Member 
$35 Non-Member

(Lunch included in registration cost.)

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